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Writer's pictureRon Laudadio

CVADA Board Meeting Minutes July 9th

Updated: Aug 27, 2022

CVADA Board Meeting Minutes July 9th, 7-8:30 pm


Chris Bruce

Carol Aucoin

Lucy Poirier

Ron Laudadio

Travis Cormier

Minutes by Ron Laudadio

Adoption of Minutes

Tracy, Chris, and Lucy will meet to formalize the previous meeting minutes.

Community Communications for past CVADA Members

There is interest in sending out communications to thank Claudelle and Patsy for contributing to the CVADA. Chris will continue with this.

Trail Sub-Committee

Travis has gathered and convened and created the Trail Sub-Committee.

Members are:

Travis Cormier

Tracy Keeping

Ron Laudadio

Ash Hall (Community Volunteer)

The trail Sub-Committee has convened and assessed the current situation with the RFP.

The Trail SC responded to all the vendors with answers to the questions that the vendors submitted.

The CVADA received one proposal before the deadline.

The Trail SC will work to:

  • Identify the Scoring Matrix

  • Adopt the responsibility for assuring access to the lands

  • Request involvement by the funding associations to score the vendor’s proposal on Monday.

  • They will collect the scoring from all those who were involved in scoring on Thursday.

  • Will contact the vendor with the results of the scoring and the decision to proceed or not the vendor on Friday, July 15th.

  • Travis is going to follow up with Claudelle to gain insight as to the verbal agreements that have been made that may help Trail SC proceed with the progress of securing the lands and the vendor to proceed with the trail.

  • Travis will look into the state of agreements with the Osmond Estate as it is the only outstanding land use agreement to be secured.

  • Chris will investigate the discussion about an easement with land to see how that impacts our progress with the trails.

HR Update

Lucy stated:

  • Pending approval from the government, they will hire four summer employees: 3 for the Wetland Interpretation Centre and 1 for the Trails, as soon as possible.

  • Once the paperwork is sorted, they hope the three staff will be hired by the 19th.

  • Those that have applied for the employment are Heidi Martin, Terrance Keeping, Landon Marting, and Alvin Kendle.

  • As long as the government negotiations go well, Lucy will secure the required documentation with the candidates and contact and hire the candidates.

  • Lucy doesn’t anticipate any issues or delays.

Hiring an admin assistant for the CVADA

  • There is interest in hiring someone to help with the admin of:

    • The Starlite Trail documentation and communications

    • Processing and categorizing the documentation that the CVADA has inherited.

    • The processing agreements, communications and admin for the rental spaces.

    • Securing the assurances and documentation of the insurances in place.

    • Ad-hoc documentation, minutes, communications, etc.

  • Chris will discuss the opportunity of costs and the state of the CVADA funds with Dale to see if this is viable. He will bring this back to the board in the next meeting.

War Memorial

  • Chris will determine if the scope of the CVADA’s responsibility is to address the state of the Memorial upkeep.

  • If so, some upkeep is required, including cleaning, flags, etc.

  • There is the consideration that we have the employees of the Wetland Interpretation Centre do some work on the Memorial.

  • Chris stated a local resident is interested in repairing the mason work.

  • There is at least a $500 expense involved in doing so.

MOTION (Chris Bruce):

To assign expenditure fees of $500 to improve the state of the War Memorial

APPROVED Unanimously

CVADA Website

Ron presented a draft version of a website that complements the CVADA Board Facebook Group.

The idea is to remain accessible and foster open communication with the Community for the CVADA to be supportive and be an instrument of the community to benefit the community as a whole.

The website moves forward with principles of:

  • Transparency of the CVADA operations (i.e. publishing minutes, ventures, etc.)

  • Bi-directional and collaborative Communication with the community of Codroy Valley

  • To support the Community and Visitors of the Codroy Valley.

The board received the website well, and it feels like it is something to continue pursuing.

Social Committee

The CVADA Board decided to strike a new Sub-Committee to foster vibrant and open communication with the community. It will maintain the CVADA Board’s bi-directional communications with the Community.

They would be responsible for three principal communication channels:

  • The Facebook Group will foster online discussion with the community (comments, polls, feedback, etc.) and timely events and discussions.

  • The Website will provide information for the community and possibly the area's visitors.

  • Community Communication events that would be face-to-face open venues for the community to visit and offer their opinions and interests to members of the CVADA Board to consider

MOTION to strike a Social Sub-Committee (Chris Bruce)

APPROVED Unanimously.

Chris will identify a Social Sub-Committee chairperson who will then identify and present the proposed members of the Social Sub-Committee.

Community Services Garden Association

MOTION Lucy Poirier

To provision space on the Wetlands Interpretation Centre for two raised beds to be placed on the property by the Community Service Garden Association.

APPROVED Unanimously

We are to provide space at the Wetlands Interpretation Centre for the Community Service Garden Association to place two raised garden beds on the property. Chris and Lucy will connect with the association to continue planning.

There was a board discussion about engaging and connecting with community groups and finding ways to support ventures suitable for the CVADA to support and lead that help the community. We will progress this discussion later.

Hospitality Event in the Wetlands Centre.

Friday morning at 10:30

Marine Hospitality Course Welcoming Session

Chris will be here during the event to represent the board and close up.

There is a need for the Wetland centre to be cleaned up in preparation for their visit.

Lucy will look into seeing who can help out.

On Thursday evening, some board members will visit the Wetlands centre to help clean up the centre for the hospitality event.

Meeting Adjourned

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