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Writer's pictureRon Laudadio

CVADA Board Meeting Minutes of August 28, 2023

Codroy Valley Area Development Association

General Meeting of August 28, 2023 (Zoom)


In Attendance:

Ron Laudadio Tracy Keeping Dale Martin Nancy Power Amy Taylor Francis Peddle Elissa Hinks April Gillam Shelley Gale Brad Moore Carolyn Aucoin Craig Collier


Chris Bruce Lucy Poirier Dion Devoe Lana Thorimbert


Meeting called to order at 8:31.

1. Wind Turbine Projects

Ron highlighted that the main reason for calling today’s meeting was to determine how the board will continue its support of the community with regard to the proposed wind turbine development. Given that the Environment Impact Statement (EIS) came out earlier than expected, by at least a month, the board will have to take action earlier than expected and we need to decide how to proceed.

After some conversation surrounding the project’s potential advantages / disadvantages, and discussion surrounding the stance of the board to date, Ron tabled a vote to determine how the board wants to position itself moving forward. The question asked was whether the board is in favour of continuing to stay neutral as a board.

Moved by Ron. Seconded by Tracy. Motion passed (nine votes in favour).

With the deadline to the bid review process approaching, the board talked about how it can support the community following the community collaboration session in June which was followed by the Community Sentiment Report and the responses it elicited from both GH2 and members of government. After some discussion of the various options, Francis proposed conducting a community feedback poll (with confidential voting) to be carried out the week starting Sept 4.

Moved by Francis. Seconded by Ron. Motion passed (eight votes in favour).

Ron offered to design a flier to be posted in local businesses and distributed as a Canada Post mail out, as well on the Facebook CVADA page. It will include the names of all board members and also the ways that individuals can reach out to the government to provide their own personal feedback and comments. Polls result and feedback received will be used to support the report CVADA will prepare for submission during the community comment period.

2. Community Vibrancy Fund

Discussion surrounding the potential vibrancy fund from GH2. Ron has spoken to members from other communities in Project Area 3 who are trying to assemble committees. He proposed that the CVADA take a leadership role in helping get the ball rolling with the development of an organized approach, regionally. Doing so will allow the area to be better prepared to deal with the funds in the case the projects are approved and the funds do come.

Moved by Ron. Seconded by Elissa. Motion passed.

Ron will reach out to Craig Pollock, Consultant, and will keep the board informed of any developments.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:02.

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