The Codroy Valley Area Development Association
CVADA Comment - October 2023
CVADA's Comment for the Community Comment Period for Project Nujio’qonik.

Since 1973, the Area Development Association has actively served the community for economic growth in the valley. Comprising community-elected volunteers, our core mission revolves around enhancing the socio-economic standing of the area.
The Codroy Valley, renowned as a leading tourist destination, thrives on its natural environment, birdwatching, hunting, and family attractions. These tourism activities inject millions into the valley's economy, sustaining families who run tourism enterprises and employing over 50 to 100 individuals. As such, there are rising concerns regarding the potential economic implications of Project Nujio'qonik on this thriving ecosystem.
The Codroy Valley's tourism sector, deeply rooted in birdwatching, hunting, and family attractions, may face challenges from Project Nujio'qonik. Introducing wind turbines raises concerns about their effect on the valley's pristine natural environment—a primary draw for tourists. If the tourist experience is compromised, there's a tangible risk they will pivot to alternative destinations, which could impact local businesses and jobs that depend on this industry.
In the Environmental Impact Statement submitted by World Energy GH2, Jupia Consultants' 'PROJECT NUJIO'QONIK GH2: AN ECONOMIC IMPACT ASSESSMENT' does not explicitly include an analysis of the potential effects on Codroy Valley's tourism sector and we are concerned this impact would be missed. Should the government greenlight Project Nujio'qonik, local businesses must pivot and secure alternate revenue streams when tourism dwindles. In such a scenario, government intervention and support would be crucial.
Our mandate is the development of the Codroy Valley region, and while Project Nujio'qonik presents potential growth opportunities, there are pertinent considerations:
The immediate impact on the local economy warrants attention.
We wish to work with the Tourism Minister to examine the enduring implications for tourism.
Government support is necessary to ensure lasting economic sustainability if the project advances.
We urge the government to assess these factors while evaluating the application bid.
The government's decision to greenlight Project Nujio'qonik would be a decision to compromise the tourism economy in the Codroy Valley. In light of the challenges posed by Project Nujio'qonik, we, the Area Development Association, firmly call upon the Newfoundland provincial government to acknowledge the potential threats to the Codroy Valley's tourism sector. We urge the government to provide significant, targeted investments to fortify and protect this vital economic pillar. Our valley's pristine environment, heritage, and the livelihoods of its residents depend on your support. Please stand with us to ensure a sustainable future for the Codroy Valley.
Community Sentiment Poll Results
The CVADA hosted a poll and collected responses from 247 community members regarding how they feel about the bid for Project Nujio’qonik by World Energy GH2.
A significant 65% of the respondents opposed the project, 21% were in favour, and the remaining were undecided. The residents of the Codroy Valley fear the impacts of the introduction of wind turbines, and without a clear analysis of their potential impact on tourism and the local rural lifestyle, has raised concerns among the community. Given the valley's reliance on tourism, there's a fear that these turbines could deter tourists, impacting local businesses and jobs. The Area Development Association calls on the Newfoundland provincial government to recognize the potential risks to the valley's tourism sector and provide support to ensure the region's continued economic sustainability. This is a call for help and support if the government approves the bid for Project Nujio'qonik.

With a sample proportion of 18.6% of the total Codroy Valley community, and the degree of spread in responses (with 65% saying 'No' and 21% saying 'Yes'), the margin of error of approximately 4.1% provides a statistically strong representation of the community's sentiment at a 95% confidence level.

This report is published and available at:
Thank you.
The Codroy Valley Area Development Association Board Members.
Craig Collier (Codroy), Brad Moore (Codroy), Dion Devoe (Great Codroy), Lucy Poirier (Great Codroy), Shelley Gale (Millville), Ron Laudadio (Millville), April Gillam (O'Regan's), Amy Taylor (Searston), Chris Bruce (Searston), Francis Peddle (South Branch), Tracy Keeping (St. Andrews), Carolyn Aucoin (Tompkins), Nancy Power (Tompkins), Elissa Hinks (Upper Ferry), Dale Lomond (Upper Ferry).